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Brady McCloskey Photography


A Seminal Meeting Place for Generations

Known as Epekwitk by the Mi'kmaq First Nations Peoples who inhabit it, Prince Edward Island has long held significance. The concept of Canada as a country was first proposed at the Charlottetown Conference in 1864. Since then, what became the province’s capital has become a cultural capital of Canada and a place to enjoy a taste of island life and the warmest waters north of Florida. (sourceicons.external-link-icon)

Charlottetown by the Numbers


Guest rooms


Square feet of meeting space


Square feet of the PEI Convention Centre


Square feet of the biggest hotel ballroom

Canada’s Smallest Province is Big on Charm

To and from Charlottetown

Nestled off Canada’s East Coast, Prince Edward Island is found in the centre of the Maritime provinces. Take the famous Confederation Bridge across to New Brunswick. Hop on the ferry and sail over to Nova Scotia. Or stay on Prince Edward Island, explore its lush green interior and marvel at the red sand around the shore line.

In Charlottetown

For a city of just under 45 square km, the music scene in Canada’s smallest provincial capital is among the city’s biggest and best surprises. Treat your delegates to tunes from across the country and around the world on Victoria Row and Sydney Street, and in the city’s many free top-tier venues, some of which are open-air during the summer.

Weather in Charlottetown

Spring icon


-2°C to 5°C

28.4°F to 41°F

Summer icon


13°C to 20°C

55.4°F to 68°F

Fall icon


7°C to 13°C 

44.6°F to 55.4°F

Winter icon


-9°C to -2°C

15.8°F to 28.4°F

Destination Charlottetown


Prime growing conditions for just about anything has made Prince Edward Island and, by extension, Charlottetown, a hub of agribusiness in Canada. Agriculture makes up a third of the island’s GDP, and while farming itself is becoming less common, the farming services industry is growing. This has led to PEI’s provincial economy being the fastest growing in Canada. (sourceicons.external-link-icon)

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