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International Convention Attraction Fund (ICAF)

International Convention Attraction Fund (ICAF)

The International Convention Attraction Fund (ICAF) supports bids by Canadian cities to host major international conventions in Canada. The ICAF is funded by the Government of Canada and administered by Destination Canada. The ICAF: 

  • aims to bolster Canada’s global competitiveness in attracting major international conventions, conferences, and events to Canada 
  • offers support of up to $1 million per event for eligible Canadian destinations bidding to host major international business events  
  • is part of an overall $50 million investment by the Government of Canada for this purpose 


Who can apply 

Canadian Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) putting together a bid for an eligible major international convention may apply. 

DMOs must have an international business events attraction strategy, which includes the following key components: hosting infrastructure and facilities, marketing and promotion, dedicated financial and human resources, and industry collaboration. 

The international convention under consideration must: 

  • fall within one of Destination Canada’s six priority sectorsicons.external-link-icon and/or align with a Canadian federal government mandate, objective or initiative 
  • produce well-documented economic benefits for host regions 
  • qualify as a “citywide” event by attracting a pre-defined minimum number of delegates, proportional to the size of the city, its infrastructure and facilities 

Full eligibility criteria can be found in the Application Guidebook. 


How it works 

If an application is eligible to receive ICAF support, Destination Canada will calculate the funds that may be committed, based on a scoring system that evaluates the value of each bidding opportunity. 

Destination Canada will then issue the DMO with a Letter of Support to include with their bid, detailing this financial commitment. Destination Canada will endeavor to provide this letter within approximately 30 days of receiving the DMO’s application.  

If the bid is successful, the DMO and Destination Canada will negotiate a Partnership Agreement. If the bid is successful, the DMO and Destination Canada will negotiate a partnership agreement outlining the terms of the funding being released.

Funding is disbursed to DMO within 60 days of execution of partnership agreement, and the DMO submits annual pre-event expenditure report to DC until the event takes place.

Within three months of the end of the event, the DMO must submit a post-event report, including validation of outcomes, to Destination Canada.

For the full terms and conditions of funding, please refer to the Application Guidelines, which includes a sample Partnership Agreement.  


How to apply 

Applications must be submitted online at least three months prior to the bid due date. 

  • Read the Application Guidebook 
  • View a Sample Application Form 


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